Results for 'Larry Markus Wiltshire'

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  1.  9
    Love everyone: the transcendent wisdom of Neem Karoli Baba told through the stories of the Westerners whose lives he transformed.Parvati Markus - 2015 - New York: HarperOne, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.
    A celebration of one of the most influential spiritual leaders of our time, Neem Karoli Baba, the enlightened guru who inspired a generation of seekers--including Ram Dass, Daniel Goleman, and Larry Brilliant--on life-altering journeys that helped change the world.In 1967, Ram Dass returned to the West from India and spread the teachings of his mysterious guru, Neem Karoli Baba, better known as Maharajji. Ram Dass's words about Maharajji's life-affirming wisdom resonated with a youth culture that had grown disillusioned with (...)
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  2. Epistemic Relativism. A Constructive Critique.Markus Seidel - 2014 - Houndsmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Are our beliefs justified only relatively to a specific culture or society? Is it possible to give reasons for the superiority of our scientific, epistemic methods? Markus Seidel sets out to answer these questions in his critique of epistemic relativism. Focusing on the work of the most prominent, explicitly relativist position in the sociology of scientific knowledge – so-called 'Edinburgh relativism' or the 'Strong Programme' –, he scrutinizes the key arguments for epistemic relativism from a philosophical perspective: underdetermination and (...)
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    Corporate property rights.Larry May - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (3):225 - 232.
    Corporate property rights present an interesting challenge to the liberal conception of property rights, for it is unclear that the self-respect of individuals is promoted by the existence of a system of property rights for corporations. I argue that it is difficult even to identify who the individuals are who are the owners of large corporations, and why these individuals should be given the same claims, protections and immunities as other property rights holders since the liabilities of corporate property rights (...)
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    Neutrality and the Relations between Different Possible Locations of the Good.Larry S. Temkin - 2019 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 19 (1):1-13.
    This article explores and challenges several common assumptions regarding what neutrality requires of us in assessing outcomes. In particular, I consider whether we should be neutral between different possible locations of the good: space, time, and people. I suggest that from a normative perspective we should treat space differently than time, and people differently than space and time. I also argue that in some cases we should give priority to people over space and time, and to time over space, but (...)
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  5. Law and Exclusionary Reasons.Larry Alexander - 1990 - Philosophical Topics 18 (1):5-22.
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    Is Descartes's reasoning viciously circular?Markus Lammenranta - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 (2):323 – 330.
    Descartes is traditionally accused of reasoning circularly in the _Meditations. Yet, it seems clear that there is no formal or logical circularity in his reasoning. There is another kind of circularity that William Alston calls epistemic circularity, and Descartes's reasoning seems to be circular in this sense. The question is whether this makes his reasoning viciously circular. It is argued that it does if we assume that his aim was to resolve the ancient Pyrrhonian problematic. Because of epistemic circularity, the (...)
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  7. What is freedom of association, and what is its denial?Larry Alexander - 2008 - Social Philosophy and Policy 25 (2):1-21.
    Freedom of association, as I understand it, refers to the liberty a person possesses to enter into relationships with others—for any and all purposes, for a momentary or long-term duration, by contract, consent, or acquiescence. It likewise refers to the liberty to refuse to enter into such relationships or to terminate them when not otherwise compelled by one's voluntary assumption of an obligation to maintain the relationship. Freedom of association thus is a quite capacious liberty.
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    Theologie und Naturethik: eine schöpfungstheologische Auseinandersetzung mit ethisch-normativen Ansätzen umweltverantwortlichen Handels.Markus Huppenbauer - 2000 - Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
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    Orexis und eupraxia: Ethikbegründung im Streben bei Aristoteles.Markus Riedenauer - 2000 - Würzburg: Könighausen & Neumann.
  10. Human Potentiality: Its Moral Relevance.Larry L. Thomas - 1978 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 59 (3):266.
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  11. Reconsidering the Relationship among Voluntary Acts, Strict Liability, and Negligence in Criminal Law.Larry Alexander - 1990 - Social Philosophy and Policy 7 (2):84.
    This essay, as will become obvious, owes a huge debt to Mark Kelman, particularly to his article “Interpretative Construction in the Substantive Criminal Law.” That debt is one of both concept and content. There is rich irony in my aping Kelman's deconstructionist enterprise, for I do not share his enthusiasm for either the “insights” or the political agenda of the Critical Legal Studies movement. I do not believe that either the law in general or the criminal law in particular is (...)
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  12. Explanation and teleology.Larry Wright - 1972 - Philosophy of Science 39 (2):204-218.
    This paper develops and draws the consequences of an etiological analysis of goal-directedness modeled on one that functions centrally in Charles Taylor's work on action. The author first presents, criticizes, and modifies Taylor's formulation, and then shows his modified formulation accounts easily for much of the fine-structure of teleological concepts and conceptualizations. Throughout, the author is at pains to show that teleological explanations are orthodox from an empiricist's point of view: they require nothing novel methodologically.
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  13. Dewey's Theory of Inquiry.Larry A. Hickman - 1998 - In Reading Dewey: Interpretations for a Postmodern Generation. Indiana University Press. pp. 166-86.
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    Introduction.Markus Seidel & Richard Schantz - 2011 - In Richard Schantz & Markus Seidel (eds.), The Problem of Relativism in the Sociology of (Scientific) Knowledge. Lancaster, LA1: ontos. pp. 11-22.
  15.  26
    Foucault, Phenomenology and the Question of Origins.Larry Shiner - 1982 - Philosophy Today 26 (4):312-321.
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    Assessing views of life: A subjective affair?Arjan Markus - 2003 - Religious Studies 39 (2):125-143.
    Is the assessment of a view of life only a matter of personal preference? I argue that there is more than personal preference. I defend the position that a view of life must be useful for the ascription of meaning and therefore needs to fulfil the requirements of the process of ascribing meaning. In this article I analyse this process and its requirements and deduce from them a set of criteria by which views of life can be assessed.
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    Extraordinary partisanship in the European Union: Constituent power and the problem of political agency.Markus Patberg - 2020 - Constellations 27 (1):143-157.
  18.  83
    Is There a Case for Strict Liability?Larry Alexander - 2018 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 12 (3):531-538.
    In this short paper, I shall answer the title’s question first in the context of criminal law and then in the context of tort law. In that latter section, I shall also mention in passing contractual and other forms of civil liability that are strict, although they will not be my principal focus. My conclusions will be that strict liability is never proper as the basis for retributive punishment; that it is a very crude device for achieving deterrence through nonretributive (...)
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  19. Karl Mannheim, Relativism and Knowledge in the Natural Sciences – A Deviant Interpretation.Markus Seidel - 2011 - In Richard Schantz & Markus Seidel (eds.), The Problem of Relativism in the Sociology of (Scientific) Knowledge. Lancaster, LA1: ontos. pp. 183-214.
    The paper focuses on one central aspect of Karl Mannheim’s sociology of knowledge: his exemption of the contents of mathematics and the natural sciences from sociological investigations. After emphasizing the importance of Mannheim’s contribution and his exemption-thesis to the history and development of the field and the problem of relativism, I survey several interpretations of the thesis – especially those put forward by proponents of the so-called ‘Strong Programme’. I argue that these interpretations do not get the philosophical background and (...)
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  20.  8
    The heuristic search under conditions of error.Larry R. Harris - 1974 - Artificial Intelligence 5 (3):217-234.
  21.  24
    Bündnisse, die Gaia stiftet. Neue Kollektive im Anthropozän.Markus Schroer - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 6 (1):269-300.
    Angesichts des vielfach diagnostizierten Ausmaßes der Zerstörung des Planeten Erde wird aktuell viel über die Notwendigkeit der Neuzusammensetzung des lebendigen Sozialen nachgedacht. Als Alternative zur klassischen Anrufung der Gesellschaft und den von ihr einzuleitenden Maßnahmen gegen den drohenden Untergang wird auf neu zu erschaffende Kollektive gesetzt, die sowohl menschliche als auch nichtmenschliche Akteure umfassen. Diese neuen Kollektive sollen sich durch Bündnisse, Symbiosen, Kooperationen, Assoziationen und Verträge konstituieren. Vergleichbar werden die im Detail verschiedenen, insgesamt aber posthumanistisch ausgerichteten Vorschläge, durch ihren gemeinsamen (...)
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  22. Desert, Rights, Free Will, Responsibility, and Luck1.Larry Temkin - 2011 - In Carl Knight & Zofia Stemplowska (eds.), Responsibility and distributive justice. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 51.
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    Galileo versus Aristotle on Free Falling Bodies.Markus Schrenk - 2004 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 7 (1):81-89.
    This essay attempts to demonstrate that it is doubtful if Galileo's famous thought experiment concerning falling bodies in his 'Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences' (Galileo 1954: 61-64) actually does succeed in proving that Aristotle was wrong in claiming that "bodies of different weight […] move […] with different speeds which stand to one another in the same ratio as their weights," (Galileo 1954: 61). (Part I); and further that it is likewise doubtful that that argument does or even can establish (...)
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  24. Galileo vs Aristotle on free falling bodies.Markus Andreas Schrenk - 2004 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 7 (1):1-11.
    This essay attempts to demonstrate that it is doubtful if Galileo's famous thought experiment concerning falling bodies in his 'Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences' (Galileo 1954: 61-64) actually does succeed in proving that Aristotle was wrong in claiming that "bodies of different weight […] move […] with different speeds which stand to one another in the same ratio as their weights," (Galileo 1954: 61). (Part I); and further that it is likewise doubtful that that argument does or even can establish (...)
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    The 116 reducts of (ℚ, <,a).Markus Junker & Martin Ziegler - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (3):861-884.
    This article aims to classify those reducts of expansions of (Q, <) by unary predicates which eliminate quantifiers, and in particular to show that, up to interdefinability, there are only finitely many for a given language. Equivalently, we wish to classify the closed subgroups of Sym(Q) containing the group of all automorphisms of (Q, <) fixing setwise certain subsets. This goal is achieved for expansions by convex predicates, yielding expansions by constants as a special case, and for the expansion by (...)
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  26.  42
    Image Ethics: The Moral Rights of Subjects in Photographs, Film, and Television.Larry P. Gross, John Stuart Katz & Jay Ruby (eds.) - 1988 - Oup Usa.
    This pathbreaking collection of thirteen original essays examines the moral rights of the subjects of documentary film, photography, and television.
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  27. Re-thinking the criminal standard of proof: Seeking consensus about the utilities of trial outcomes.Larry Laudan & Harry Saunders - unknown
    For more than a half-century, evidence scholars have been exploring whether the criminal standard of proof can be grounded in decision theory. Such grounding would require the emergence of a social consensus about the utilities to be assigned to the four outcomes at trial. Significant disagreement remains, even among legal scholars, about the relative desirability of those outcomes and even about the formalisms for manipulating their respective utilities. We attempt to diagnose the principal reasons for this dissensus and to suggest (...)
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    »Alles auf einmal«: Evangelische Ethik in den USA.Larry Rasmussen - 1990 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 34 (1):295-302.
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    How I can experience God.Larry Richards - 1979 - Grand Rapids: Zondervan Pub. House. Edited by Charles Shaw.
    Discusses the reasons for believing in the existence of God and ways of making God part of one's life.
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    Del tema al objeto de investigación en la propuesta epistemológica de Hugo Zemelman.Larry Andrade - 2007 - Cinta de Moebio 30:262-282.
    El artículo aborda de modo breve la extensa producción epistemológica y metodológica de Hugo Zemelman. El esfuerzo está centrado en mostrar su potencialidad no como reemplazo de un modo aceptado de hacer investigación científica, sino más bien en valorizar una forma diferente de hacer el recorte del campo de observación y posterior intervención en el mismo. A partir de este objetivo, se revisan categorías relevantes de la propuesta, procurando conformar un “corpus” de conocimiento coherente y pertinente a los fines de (...)
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    The Limits of Compulsion in Controlling AIDS.Larry Gostin & William J. Curran - 1986 - Hastings Center Report 16 (6):24-29.
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    Reply to Horta: Spectrum Arguments, the “Unhelpfulness” of Rejecting Transitivity, and Implications for Moral Realism.Larry Temkin - unknown
    This article responds to Oscar Horta’s article “In Defense of the InternalAspects View: Person-Affecting Reasons, Spectrum Arguments andInconsistent Intuitions”. I begin by noting various points of agreementwith Horta. I agree that the “better than relation” is asymmetric, and pointout that this will be so on an Essentially Comparative View as well as on anInternal Aspects View. I also agree that there are various possible Person-Affecting Principles, other than the one my book focuses on, that peoplemight find plausible, and that in (...)
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  33. Ethical Egoism and Psychological Dispositions.Larry Thomas - 1978 - Proceedings of the Heraclitean Society 3.
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  34. Kuttner and Rosenblum failed to "objectify" consciousness.Larry R. Vandervert - 2006 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 27 (2):167-176.
    Kuttner and Rosenblum's presentation of the "only objective evidence for consciousness" is criticized for not adequately defining consciousness , not providing at the outset an explanation of the philosophical-theoretical interpretation of quantum theory that would lead to a direct rationale for their "impossible" quantum experiments, and suggesting that data from their impossible experiments could be treated as non-theoretical "facts." It is concluded that Kuttner and Rosenblum fail to objectify consciousness.
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    Justification, Discovery, Reason & Argument.Larry Wright - 2001 - Argumentation 15 (1):97-104.
    In distinguishing justification from discovery, the logical empiricists hoped to avoid confusing causal matters with normative ones. Exaggerating the virtue of this distinction, however, has disguised from us important features of the concept of a reason as it functions in human practice. Surfacing those features gives some insight into reasoning and argument.
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    Reasons and the deductive ideal.Larry Wright - 1999 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 23 (1):197–206.
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    The HIV-Infected Health Care Professional: Public Policy, Discrimination, and Patient Safety.Larry Gostin - 1990 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 18 (4):303-310.
  38. Freedom of Expression as a Human Right.Larry Alexander - 2003 - In Tom Campbell, Jeffrey Denys Goldsworthy & Adrienne Sarah Ackary Stone (eds.), Protecting Human Rights: Instruments and Institutions. Oxford University Press.
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  39. What’s Inside and Outside the Law?Larry Alexander - 2012 - Law and Philosophy 31 (2):213-241.
    In this article I take up a conceptual question: What is the distinction between ‘the law’ and the behavior the law regulates, or, as I formulate it, the distinction between what is ‘inside’ the law and what is ‘outside’ it? That conceptual question is in play in (at least) three different doctrinal domains: the constitutional law doctrines regarding the limits on the delegation of legislative powers; the criminal law doctrines regarding mistakes of law; and the constitutional rights doctrines that turn (...)
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  40. What is the problem of judicial review?Larry Alexander - 2007 - In José Rubio Carrecedo (ed.), Political philosophy: new proposals for new questions: proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Granada 2005, volume II = Filosofía política: nuevas propuestas para nuevas cuestiones. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
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    Words that Bind: Judicial Review and the Grounds of Modern Constitutional Theory.Larry Alexander & John Arthur - 1997 - Philosophical Review 106 (3):461.
    At first, despairing of justifying the Court's new-found rights as the products of interpreting the Constitution, many of the Court's supporters bit the bullet and proclaimed the legitimacy of "noninterpretivism." As an approach to justifying purportedly constitutional decisions, however, noninterpretivism's oxymoronic quality made it an easy target for the Court's detractors, who asserted that noninterpretivism was nothing more than rule by a federal judiciary unrestrained by any positive law.
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  42. Don't go there: Reply to Crooks.Larry Hauser - 2002 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 23 (3):223-232.
    From the fact that experiencing is in the head, nothing follows about the nature, location - or even the existence - of the experiencing's presumed object. It does not follow that direct realism "cannot possibly be true" ; much less that "that the experienced world is wholly locked up within one's brain"; much less still, that it must be "located" in in some spiritual "place" outside of physical space or some "higher-dimensional space " . Direct realism is not only consistent (...)
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  43. Dewey's Hegel: A search for unity in diversity, or diversity as the growth of unity?Larry A. Hickman - 2008 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 44 (4):pp. 569-576.
    This brief essay examines James A. Good’s argument that the Hegel of the young Dewey was functionalist, historicist, instrumentalist, and practicalist—in short, the Hegel of “centrist” Hegelians such as those then active in St. Louis and of contemporary interpreters such as Good himself and Terry Pinkard. Good’s claims are examined in terms of possible conflicts with what is known of William James’s influence on Dewey, and in the light of recently published correspondence in which Dewey comments on the Hegelian “deposit” (...)
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    Technological Pragmatism.Larry Hickman - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 175–179.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References and Further Reading.
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    What Was Dewey’s “Magic Number?”.Larry A. Hickman - 2000 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 8:221-231.
    Abraham Kaplan once suggested that Dewey’s “magic number” was two. His observation seems to be supported by the titles Dewey gave to his books, such as Experience and Nature. But in making this observation, Kaplan hedged a bit. Perhaps it would be better, he added, to say that Dewey had two magic numbers: he seemed to look for twos in order to turn them into ones. Looking back over the notes I have pencilled in the margins of Dewey’s Collected Works (...)
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    Formulating Rawls's principles of justice.Larry Hohm - 1983 - Theory and Decision 15 (4):337-347.
  47.  6
    Prairiescapes: Photographs.Larry Kanfer - 1987 - University of Illinois Press.
    A former student of architecture at the University of Illinois, Kanfer has developed a kinship with the rural regions of the Prairie State. He draws upon a rich background in art, design, and travel to focus on the unique qualities of the midwesten landscape, exhibiting an unusual sensitivity to composition, color, texture, and light. Kanfer isolates singular images--a solitary barn, a rural mailbox atop a roadside post, a red stop sign caught in the nighttime glare of a car's headlight, cornflower (...)
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  48. Theory-neutral" explanations": A final note on Kuttner and Rosenblum's approach to science.Larry Vandervert - 2007 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 28 (1):77-79.
    To understand differences in perspective between Kuttner and Rosenblum’s and my view of the plausibility of theory-neutral quantum experiments, meta-theoretical differences between experimental physicists and theoretical physicists are examined. According to F.S.C. Northrop the perspective of experimental physicists is more toward the operational specification of “facts,” while the perspective of theoretical physicists is more toward how theory influences how we see “facts” and, at the epistemological level, what constitutes “facts.” It is pointed out that the same difference in perspective occurs (...)
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    Reasoning and Explaining.Larry Wright - 2002 - Argumentation 16 (1):33-46.
    When regimented in a certain natural way, the concepts of explanation and justification manifest a pattern of interrelations connected more or less systematically to their object. Besides its intrinsic interest, this pattern may give us some insight into the nature, source, and limits of the concept of argument.
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  50. The case against teleological reductionism.Larry Wright - 1968 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 19 (3):211-223.
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